Imagine… a 40% Amplification in Workforce Productivity

Digital workers deliver significant amplification in productivity across your enterprise operations.

The typical range of productivity increases varies depending on the specific process or functions, the breadth of the workflow, and organizational readiness. Still, Amplification Effects immediately come into play as digital workers are hired.

Let’s first look at measurements of digital worker amplification in general, and then in a representative industry for a complex workflow.

Amplification Effects of Digital Workers

It’s best to assume that the Amplification Effects we’re about to explore were measured using complex workflows and processes.  We’ve left the more complex, data-intensive work for the second example in this post.

The following table summarizes the Amplification Effect across complex workflows within an enterprise organization.

Process or Function Amplification Effect
Data Processing and Analysis40%-60%
Repetitive and Rule-Based Tasks60%-80%
Workflow Optimization20%-30%
Real-time Analytics and Exception Management30%-40%
Regulatory Compliance and Reporting20%-30%
Customer Service and Support15%-25%
Decision-Making and Problem-Solving15%-25%

As you can see, there’s significant amplification value in terms of both time saved and business acceleration.

How do digital workers drive this value?  Let’s take a quick look.

Data Processing and Analysis.

Digital workers assume many of the manual tasks involved in data collection, cleaning, and analysis.

This frees human workers to focus on more strategic activities.

Repetitive and Rule-Based Tasks.

Digital workers assume tasks such as account reconciliations, transaction processing, and customer onboarding. They also assume complex intelligent tasks, which we’ll explore in the next section.

This frees human workers to focus on more complex and value-added activities.

Workflow Optimization.

Digital workers analyze workflows, identify bottlenecks, and suggest improvements for streamlining processes and reducing handoffs.

This saves time, accelerates results and continuously improves workflow effectiveness.

Real-time Analytics and Exception Management.

Digital workers provide real-time insights into operational data, identifying and correcting data errors while dynamically summarizing in-flight data.

Human workers identify and address issues promptly, increasing data accuracy, analysis, and fueling more informed decisions.

Regulatory Compliance and Reporting.

Digital workers automate regulatory compliance tasks, such as data aggregation, reporting, and risk assessment. They also deliver a comprehensive, accurate audit trail of their own actions.

Human workers focus on strategic risk analysis and improve compliance accuracy, while spending minimal time on data collection and reporting tasks.

Customer Service and Support.

Digital workers automate customer service tasks, such as frequently asked questions, resolving simple issues, and routing complex issues to the appropriate experts.

Support representatives spend more time working with customers, accelerating time-to-resolution, and increasing customer satisfaction.

Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

Digital workers provide highly accurate, normalized and comprehensive data to their human partners.

Humans workers make better informed decisions, evaluate options, and prioritize work.

Overall, digital workers can lead to an average productivity increase of 25%-40% across a global enterprise.

What would your organization be able to accomplish with such additional productivity and performance?

Financial Services Amplification

Now let’s look at the impacts of digital workers for highly complex workflows within a global financial organization. Sample workflows might include credit risk assessmentmarket trend analysis, due diligence evaluations or risk and compliance management and reporting.

These workflows include complex data identification, collection, consolidation, and normalization to prepare the information for analysis. They also include analysis by digital workers, offering preliminary insights to jumpstart human reviews.

The table below summarizes the Amplification Effect within financial services across divisions focusing on complex, data-intensive workflows.

Productivity IncreaseAmplification Effect
Reduced Manual Tasks20% – 80%
Eliminated Errors60% – 90%
Reduced Processing Time50% – 90%
Improved Data Quality30% – 70%
Reduced Costs15% – 40%

The typical amplification experienced by financial services customers using digital workers, includes:

Reduction in Manual Tasks.

In studies, knowledge workers say they spend more than 40% of their time in non-productive work. Digital workers offload these non-productive tasks.

Imagine what you could do if you offloaded  these mundane tasks from an Analyst, instead focusing them on high value work.

Error Elimination.

Digital workers eliminated 80-90% of errors in data entry, consolidation and reporting in their initial work. Data quality was improved by up to 70% as a result.

Think about making decisions with the assurance that your data was accurate, complete and absolutely the right information to make those decisions.

Reduced Processing Time.

As we’ve increased our digital paperwork, our processing times have expanded to match the document load. Digital workers reduce overall processing time by 50-90%. For example, trade order routing, confirmations, and settlements processing times were reduced by up to 70%.

Imagine the customer response, and the advantage it creates, when you deliver value in a fraction of the time versus your competition.

Reduced Costs.

Overall, workforce costs were reduced by 15-40% as digital workers assumed the jobs of orchestrating complex yet time-consuming workflows.

How would you strategically build your organization if you knew the operational work was handled by digital workers?

The Bottom Line

We are at the beginning of a new age of work, a future where AI-based digital workers will transform the way we work and the value we deliver.

The Amplification Effects of digital workers are only beginning to be realized. Yet early adopters are already experiencing the value in their organizational results, their workforce performance and, perhaps most importantly, the renewed engagement and excitement of their human knowledge workers.